mind-body connection

How Our Minds Heal Our Bodies: Why Understanding The Placebo And Nocebo Effect Can Help You Manage Chronic Pain

My daughter, now ten, was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis when she was three years old. Over the past seven years she has shown incredible resilience and has managed her chronic pain, joint injections and endless hospital appointments with humbling strength and determination but it has been a real struggle at times. About a year ago, she experienced a particularly bad and extended period of pain and stiffness. She needed pain relief daily but over-the-counter medication (Ibuprofen) began causing her gastric irritation.

How Our Minds Heal Our Bodies: Why Understanding The Placebo And Nocebo Effect Can Help You Manage Chronic Pain Read Post »

How To Help Your Child’s Anxiety

With so many unknowns in the world today, you might be feeling at a loss when it comes to soothing your children’s anxieties.

You can’t just tell them that everything will be all right.

However, you can help them to manage their anxiety so they can live happier lives in the here and now. If your child’s worries are affecting their daily life and well-being, here are some ways you can help.

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Could Your Personality Be Contributing To Your Chronic Pain?

Almost a year ago, I developed lower back pain. At first I thought I had pulled a muscle ducking under a tree branch while out running with a friend.

I took it easy for a few days and the pain seemed to subside. But then it came back, and with a vengeance. It remained with me on and off for a year and was often so severe that I had to hold onto pieces of furniture to support myself when rising from a chair or my bed, or when brushing my teeth.

Could Your Personality Be Contributing To Your Chronic Pain? Read Post »

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