
Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner Certification Course Core coaching competencies delivered throughout the Dual Certification course:

Setting the foundation:

  1. ethical guidelines
  2. coaching agreement
Co-creating the relationship:

  1. trust and intimacy
  2. coaching presence

Communicating effectively:

  1. active listening
  2. powerful questioning
  3. direct communication

Facilitating learning and results:

  1. creating awareness
  2. designing actions
  3. planning and goal setting
  4. accountability.

Note: these core competencies align with the International Coach Federation (ICF) based in the USA.

Learn Outcomes

Stage 1 HOLISTIC COACHING SKILLS (also Holistic Life Coaching Foundations Certificate)

Dive into the practicalities, power, and strategies of real transformational coaching. You’ll experience coaching first-hand to clarify your own personal and professional goals, apply communicational skills into everyday life, and gain true insight into the understanding needed to create real and lasting change. You’ll expand your self-awareness and appreciation of the holistic approach that underpins our unique coaching methodology.


1 – Coaching Foundations

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • An Introduction to Coaching
  • What is Coaching?
  • Holistic Life Coaching
  • The Difference Between Coaching and Consulting
  • Responsibilities
  • Boundary Setting
  • Qualities of an Effective Coach
  • Common Obstacles
  • Professionalism
  • Coaching Agreement
  • Code of Ethics
  • Scope of Practice

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this module students will demonstrate knowledge of what a Holistic Life Coach is and does within their scope of practise, and how holistic coaching is differs from other approaches and therapeutic models.

Students will gain awareness of their individual strengths, obstacles and fears and a solid understanding of the responsibilities, boundaries, and professionalism needed in setting up their own coaching practice. They will utilise coaching exercises designed for clarity, reflection and self-awareness.


2 – Holistic Coaching Principles

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • What is a Coaching Model?
  • The Importance of Self-Awareness
  • The Holistic Approach
  • Psychology – The Mind
  • Physiology – The Body
  • Spirit/Spirituality
  • Biology – Emotions
  • Childhood Conditioning
  • Stages of Life
  • Behavioural Habit Loops
  • Goal Setting Models

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this module students will demonstrate what a holistic coaching model is and why self-awareness is fundamental to the coaching relationship. Students will gain a thorough understanding of the holistic model presented and the whole person approach. They will also demonstrate understanding of the conscious and unconscious minds and the role the subconscious plays in creating long term change.

Students will gain understanding of the importance of meaningful goal-setting approaches and apply assessment skills in identifying life areas and stages of life in a coaching relationship. They will also learn how to identify wants and needs using coaching exercises. Students will assess areas of incongruence that can inhibit the client from reaching their goals and learn approaches to realign the client’s beliefs and desires.


3 – Communication Skill & Techniques

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • The Coaching Experience
  • Communication Skills
  • Building Rapport
  • Match and Mirror
  • Listening Skills
  • Framing
  • Feedback
  • Coach/Client Communication
  • Learning Styles
  • Powerful Questioning Techniques
  • Uncovering Limiting Beliefs
  • Automatic Negative Thoughts
  • Values Clarification
  • Observational Learning

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this module students will gain a deeper understanding of the holistic model presented and how it is applied within a coaching relationship on all levels of a persons’ being. They will show competency in the application of key questioning skills in assisting clients gain self-awareness.

Students will demonstrate key communication and coaching skills involved in building rapport, listening and questioning, matching and mirroring, and providing effective feedback and framing within a holistic life coaching session. Coaching psychology will be explored in-depth.


4 – Coaching Process

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • The Coaching Environment
  • Expectations
  • Client-Centred
  • Conflict of Interests
  • Stages of Behaviour Change
  • Assessing Stages of Readiness
  • Basic Human Needs
  • The Coaching Blueprint
  • Conducting Sessions
  • Homework Tasks
  • Identifying Dreams & Desires
  • Problem Solving Obstacles
  • Accountability and Support

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this module students will gain understanding of the key components in conducting a coaching session understanding scope of practice, roles and responsibilities. They will gain awareness of the expectations and considerations of both the client and the coach. Students will assess stages of readiness and identify stages of behaviour change needed for an effective coaching relationship. They will be introduced to the basic human needs and how to identify unmet needs and emotional drivers.

Students will also learn and apply coaching assessment tools for clarity, creating a change plan, and curating actionable steps towards reaching client goals. They will also demonstrate accountability and problem-solving skills within a coaching relationship.

Learn Outcomes

Stage 2 – MIND-BODY & BRAIN TOOLS (also Mind-Body Practitioner Certification course)

In stage two you’ll discover the fascinating mind-body connection and how our thoughts and feelings are linked to behaviours and habits. You’ll understand modern stress and how to reverse it, be fascinated by how the brain works in relation to patterns and conditioning, and apply daily practices that align the mind, brain and body into conscious coherence using holistic tools and the science of happiness (positive psychology).


5 – Mind-Body Connection

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • The BodyMind
  • Conditioned Beliefs
  • Childhood Programming
  • The Placebo & Nocebo Effects
  • Biology of Belief
  • Influence of Thoughts
  • Power of Emotions
  • Mind-Body Balancing Tools

Learning outcomes:

Upon completion of this module students will have a greater understanding of how beliefs create their personal reality, and the power of the placebo effect in creating long-lasting change. They will examine their own conditioned beliefs and outdated stories to challenge old programs by demonstrating their understanding and application of the mind-body connection.

Students will also learn and demonstrate their experience of applying mind-body tools to increase internal balance and awareness of conscious intention.


6 – Understanding Modern Stress

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)
  • The Stress Response
  • The Relaxation Response
  • Fear Equals Stress
  • Life Balance & Needs Fulfillment
  • The Power of Breathing
  • Stress Reduction Techniques
  • 10 Techniques to Stress Less

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this module students will be able to explain what the biology of belief means and how thoughts and feelings and psychoneuroimmunology. An in-depth understanding of the stress response and how client’s belief systems cause underlying stress patterns in the mind and body. They will have completed a personal stress assessment and identified personal patterns of stress and strategies to reduce stress.

Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the nervous system and how to use
breathing techniques to induce homeostasis (balance). They will also demonstrate application of stress reduction and problem-solving tools and techniques for experience and reflection.


7 – Neuroscience for Coaches

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • Neuroplasticity or How to Rewire the Brain
  • Your Brain in Three Parts
  • Metacognition
  • Challenging Belief Systems
  • Changing the Meaning
  • Rewriting the Story
  • Rewiring the Brain
  • The Power of Visualisation

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this module students will demonstrate understanding of how the three parts of the brain function and interact with each other, and can influence the nervous system. They will demonstrate application of identifying self-sabotaging patterns and confrontational skills.

Students will deepen their understanding of how neuroscience benefits the coaching process, and how the brain makes new connections and rewires new thoughts. They will examine belief patterns and challenge old perceptions, and experience the power of visualisation in the context of wiring change.


8 – Positive Psychology for Coaches

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • Positive Psychology
  • Human Happiness
  • Fixed & Growth Mindsets
  • Humanistic Psychology
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • The Science & Power of Gratitude
  • The Four Human Tendencies

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this module students will be competent in demonstrating understanding of positive psychology practices, and the theory of human happiness as it relates to and benefits the holistic coaching process. Students will learn how to design and implement a unique happiness blueprint. Students will demonstrate understanding of Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs and its’ application within a holistic coaching framework. They will also demonstrate application of gratitude practices and examine their personal tendency in relation to creating change, and how this knowledge can benefit the client.

Learn Outcomes


As you solidify your learning and get clear on your purpose, you’ll identify your strengths and craft a powerful message that speaks the language of your ideal clients. You’ll learn how to package your services, create coaching products and programs, and leverage your time for freedom and family. You’ll design a business to suit your lifestyle and learn the latest strategies to attract your perfect clients.


9 – Finding your Niche

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • Introduction
  • Your Coaching Niche
  • Types of Niches
  • Discover Your Story
  • Purpose and Passion
  • Make an Impact
  • Boundaries
  • Transitioning into Business
  • Speak Up & Talk to People

Learning outcomes:

This module lays the foundation for specialist coaching areas and guides the student to collate strengths, knowledge and passion into a suitable and marketable coaching niche. Students will gain clarity and purpose as they apply self-reflection, visualisation and deep enquiry skills towards identifying their own business goals, and the clients they are best able to serve.


10 – Packaging Your Services

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • Products & Programs
  • Coaching Packages & Pricing
  • Group Coaching
  • Intensives/VIP Days
  • Workshops, Courses & Monthly Membership
  • Corporate Coaching & Professional Speaking
  • Digital Products
  • Audit Your Offerings
  • Leverage Your Income
  • Audit Your Offerings

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this module students will have laid the foundation of their coaching practice and lay the foundation of their business plan down, along with clear goals for creating products and services to launch and grow their coaching business. They will explore many avenues and approaches for creating a marketable business across various delivery methods. Students will have planned and completed a full day workshop template, and designed a 12 week coaching program suitable for their coaching niche. They will also demonstrate research skills by investigating suitable venues and costing analysis for future coaching endeavours.


11 – Set-Up Your Business & Brand

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset
  • How to Write a Business Plan
  • Set-Up Your Business
  • Exceptional Brand Creation
  • Website Basics
  • Disclaimer & Privacy Policy
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Coaching Agreement
  • Code of Ethics

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this module students will have completed a modern business plan, outlined their business model, products, services, aims, goals and undertaken a SWOT analysis. Students will conduct market research and report on similar coaching services in their area, and complete a comparison breakdown of offerings, pricing and presentation of coaching services.

Students will gain an understanding of their own likes and dislikes in how other coaches present themselves online in order to choose the look, feel and message that most represents their authentic self. They will demonstrate understanding of a coaching agreement and its’ application within a coaching relationship to set the client and coach up for a successful coaching relationship. Students will also solidify understanding of the industry code of ethics and the boundaries within their scope of practise.


12 – Marketing your Business

This module addresses the following performance and knowledge criteria:

  • Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA)
  • Pricing Your Services
  • Pricing Psychology
  • Promoting Your Business
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Website Design & Software
  • Customer Loyalty
  • Free Advertising Online
  • Templates
  • Becoming an entrepreneur

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this module students will demonstrate a clear and in-depth understanding of their ideal client concerns, pain points and limiting beliefs, and where best to market to them. Students will learn various ways to promote awareness and create visibility as a holistic life coach, with consideration to branding and positioning. They will employ research techniques to source relevant methods of free marketing and promotional opportunities, and brainstorm ideas to develop educational connections and low-cost ways to build a potential client base.

Students will learn an overview of how to create a basic and functional website. They will complete a personal biography for their website profile and write an introduction letter to family and friends in readiness for promoting their new coaching business. Ideas for content creation and editorial delivery are also covered.

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