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Neuroplastic Pain Recovery

Internationally Registered,

Recognised & Approved Training



Did you know that emotional factors, memories, beliefs and expectations may be responsible for generating real physical pain or symptoms in the body?

Is your passion to help individuals with persistent or recurrent chronic pain or symptoms? then the MindBody Syndrome Practitioner Certification Course is for you!

The MindBody Syndrome (TMS) Practitioner International Certification course is geared at teaching students a neuroscience-based approach that supports individuals with medically unexplained and/or persistent chronic symptoms for which they’ve found no permanent relief – until today!

As a MindBody Syndrome/TMS Practitioner you’ll have a key role in educating clients on the mindbody dimension behind chronic pain and symptoms, and you’ll be able to teach them simple pain reprocessing exercises and other brain rewiring techniques based on Pain Neuroscience research.

Neuroplasticity and chronic pain is a phenomenon associated with changes in the nervous System which amplifies pain signal transmission to the brain.


The concept of Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) was first introduced by the American Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine Dr John Sarno, who discovered that trauma, anxiety and negative emotions can generate real, physical changes in the body, which are responsible for a large number of unexplained chronic pain conditions. 

The main idea behind Sarno’s discoveries is that intense repressed emotions such as rage and fear cause tension in the body, which may result in real, physical pain in the muscles, joints and ligaments (as well as other non-pain related symptoms such as gastrointestinal symptoms, migraines and chronic fatigue).

Dr Sarno’s works, particularly his book Healing Back Pain, have helped heal thousands of people from a variety of chronic pain conditions, from chronic back and neck pain – including pain blamed on herniated or bulging disks – to sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and even fibromyalgia. This is achieved by helping individuals understand the mindbody dynamic and think psychologically by linking symptoms to their unconscious beliefs, fears and expectations.

The approach also helps individuals reverse the conditioning process that has taken place in the case of chronic symptoms that may have been present for months or even years, by teaching them how to work with neuroplasticity and cultivate new modes of thinking, reacting and behaving in the face of symptoms.

Today, research in Neuroscience and in the field of TMS itself has backed up Dr Sarno’s claims and enhanced the approach, as the mindbody connection becomes increasingly apparent in various cases of individuals with chronic pain.

Beyond Pain Management to Pain Recovery!

The focus behind the MindBody Syndrome Certification Course is to teach students how to aim for complete recovery from chronic TMS pain, rather than limiting themselves and their clients to pain management and pain relief.

The teachings in the course aim to bring permanent results, through an empowering psychological approach that requires the individual to take an active role in recovery.

Rather than put the blame on past injuries or imperfections in the body, as a Practitioner you’ll learn how to identify possible emotional factors behind chronic pain, and work with these in order to help individuals build the necessary habits needed to end the pain cycle altogether.

The approach does not deal with the medical aspects of pain, such as medication, physical therapy or other structural treatments, neither does it deal with conditions that are not due to TMS. 

It is an alternative and exclusively psychological approach that can significantly help individuals that have been trying to heal from pain without success, and who have already excluded serious medical conditions.

"This course for me has been wonderfully set out in a way that’s helped me answer a big question that I had for myself. Even though I could talk about TMS and the entire process with people from a personal story and passion for it. I didn’t really know how I would do that in a professional setting and work with clients because I didn’t believe I could do that from an academic level. Now I believe more than before that I am ready to translate my passion and personal story into something manageable for others, and help them in their journey of working with/through TMS."
Ian McLoughlin

Help Clients Overcome Years Of Chronic Pain

Have You Struggled With Chronic Pain?

If you have a history of unexplained symptoms, or a chronic condition that you’ve been trying to eliminate for a long while, you’ll benefit from valuable insight that will help you address your own symptoms differently, and implement pain reprocessing techniques that can reverse the pain response!

While learning to help others create REAL change, you’ll engage in various self-awareness and belief clearing exercises in your personal downloadable journal, which will lead you to experience the benefits of the MindBody Syndrome approach for yourself. This will be of benefit not only if you suffer from chronic symptoms, but also if you’re seeking to reduce stress and anxiety from your your own life as you focus on your personal growth and wellbeing.

Why Don’t A Large Number Of Pain Sufferers Find Effective Relief?

Most conventional treatments for chronic conditions address just the symptoms, and not the true cause of pain. For this reason, such treatments may only offer temporary (or Placebo) relief. 

The MindBody Syndrome / Tension Myositis Syndrome approach to chronic pain will help you get to the root of neuroplastic pain symptoms by identifying those emotional triggers and habitual modes of behaviour that are responsible for the generation of mindbody pain.

Emotions Can Generate Real Physical Symptoms

Find out how pain is generated in the body due to a buildup of tension caused by trauma, stress and a host of negative emotions.

You’ll discover the role of memories and negative associations, as well as individual personality traits in the generation of pain.

You’ll also find out why pain becomes chronic in some individuals, as well as what leads to hypersensitivity (an excessive increase in pain perception).

And you’ll also discover how to unlearn chronic pain by working with the brain’s neuroplasticity.

Support your clients with greater confidence

If you’re a healthcare or wellness professional qualified in physical therapy, primary care, pain management, psychology, trauma therapy, yoga, health coaching or any other area where you regularly encounter individuals with chronic pain, you’ll benefit from the knowledge gained throughout this course. 

You’ll be able to help shift your clients’ perspective on pain and cultivate healthier beliefs and modes of behaviour based on modern pain science.

The MindBody Syndrome Practitioner course is also for those individuals on their personal healing journey. If you have a keen interest in the mindbody connection and/or Tension Myositis Syndrome, and would like to set up a practice in this growing niche but have no prior experience, our prerequisite course is for you! (see below).

How to retrain your brain from pain using pain reprocessing therapy exercises

What Can You Do as a Mind-Body Syndrome (TMS) Practitioner?

In the face of uncertainty, increasing personal demands and responsibilities, more and more people are developing mindbody symptoms. Unfortunately, most of them are not aware that their symptoms have a psychological origin, and end up wasting precious time and money seeking ineffective treatments.

As a Mind-Body Syndrome Practitioner, you get to educate and support other people with neuroplastic pain / TMS, and equip them with the tools necessary to overcome such a disorder.

You will be trained to help your clients identify the emotional triggers to chronic symptoms, such as negative experiences and memories, current stressors and perceived threats. The individual will be encouraged to reflect and journal to increase self-awareness and identify how various situations may be generating anxiety and tension in the body on a consistent basis.

Become a MindBody Syndrome Specialist!

As a health and wellness professional with a keen interest in the MindBody Connection, you can gain an in-depth understanding of MindBody Syndrome/Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS) to better help your clients.

You can learn how to educate and support people with a psychophysiologic (psychosomatic) pain disorder, and equip them with the tools necessary to understand and overcome the root of their pain.

Help clients Heal from chronic Pain

The client’s habits, conditioned responses and dominant emotions underlying the symptoms will also be addressed to evaluate whether they are unknowingly contributing to the persistence of symptoms due to the conditioning process, a buildup of anticipatory anxiety, negative expectations and the Nocebo effect.

Your clients will benefit from increased knowledge of the mindbody connection and insights from pain reprocessing therapy. This will help them gain heightened self-awareness regarding personality traits, false beliefs and habits that may be contributing to the generation of chronic symptoms.

With your help, they’ll get their power and confidence back and realise that they can be the main agents of their own recovery!

You’ll also learn simple relaxation, mindfulness-based and visualisation techniques that you can share with clients, which can aid the process of recovery by helping them release resistance and negative emotions towards the symptoms

Science-backed, Evidence-Based, Heart-Centred


Not only are our students learning how to coach others out of chronic pain, but some of them are also experiencing pain relief or complete elimination of their own chronic symptoms!

This is because throughout the course you’ll gain insights and tools on how to unlearn chronic pain, which you can apply to your personal situation. This is by far the best way to become a skilled Chronic Pain Practitioner, as you will also be able to draw knowledge from your own personal experience!

Student Feedback

“There have been some remarkable shifts in how I think about pain now and how I can help other people in the future from these learnings. A change in thinking helped me to gain understanding and compassion. I hope that one day when some chronic pain sufferers have exhausted all avenues of thinking, they will be open to a new way of thinking and be open to Dr Sarno’s work.”
Lisa Brierley
Life Coach
"This program was a very thorough and in-depth guide to how to become a skilled MindBody Syndrome Practitioner. I especially appreciate how it was broken down into three sections to ensure graduates are well-versed in the history and theory of MBS/TMS as well as best practices for coaching clients in this work. It’s been a wonderful compliment to my original life coaching certification and has helped lay the groundwork for me as a well-rounded and fully informed coach and practitioner."
Mischa Delaney
“The power of the mind and body are incredible. it really has amazed me what is hidden there and how pain can be a gift delivering messages through the body. To navigate your way through both positive and negative emotions is the ultimate freedom in life.”
Christine Gibson
Family Doctor
“The knowledge I have gained from Stage 2 has resulted in me making many changes to language I use in relation to my own TMS symptoms, starting with no longer labelling my symptoms Fibromyalgia. The section on hypervigilant behaviour was particularly impactful as I had been one to regularly check in with my pain levels, avoid certain movements and anticipate a worsening of my symptoms the moment the temperature got too cold. I have come to understand that this constant scanning of my body and fear of what could make my pain worse or stop it from ever going away, is actually changing the neural pathways in my brain, causing my nervous system to behave as if it is permanently under threat.”
Leanne Koster
Life Coach
"I am so incredibly blessed to have found this program. I thought I knew about TMS before taking the course, but this was so in depth and thought-provoking that I learned so much more. I loved the format – from the video lessons, to the additional readings, to the tasks, and even the assessments. I have seen a lot of improvement in my symptoms and know I will continue to improve. I really appreciated how relatable this content was – before the last section I was thinking about how I sometimes feel like this work will 100% work for others and maybe 85% work for me because my case is unique, I have setbacks, or I’m not doing it “perfectly.” Miriam addressed all of these beliefs in the last two lessons! It gave me the reassurance I needed and that remaining 20% is already setting in. I wholeheartedly believe I will change the lives of others with this remarkable science, as well as changing my own. Thank you to Miriam for your dedication and openness to educate and help!"
Chandler J



This is a structured, progressive program with the flexibility of self-paced learning.

Each PDF lesson is accompanied by a recorded webinar for audio & visual learning to help you gain additional insight through examples, and deal with any challenges along the way.


Begin with a comprehensive introduction to neuroplastic pain symptoms are triggered and maintained due to a buildup of stress, anxiety, rage and a host of other negative and repressed emotions.

We’ll discuss Dr Sarno’s key findings and theories, and get familiar with how the conditioning process and the pain cycle work. You’ll increase your confidence in the body’s ability to recover following an acute injury, and uncover those false beliefs that lead people to blame chronic pain on the wrong reasons.

You’ll also learn how the fight or flight response works in relation to chronic pain, and what’s going on in the brain when we enter the stress response. Finally, you’ll learn about the role of the Nocebo effect and the power of suggestion in the generation and persistence of chronic symptoms, and how this may interfere with healing.

  1. What is MindBody Syndrome / TMS?

  2. Acute vs Chronic Pain

  3. What Causes MindBody Syndrome?

  4. Identifying Personal Values

  5. The Autonomic Nervous System & Survival Responses

  6. The Nocebo Effect & Pain

Stage One Assessment


This KEY stage will focus on the mindset shifts necessary for clients to overcome physical symptoms resulting from MindBody Syndrome/TMS. You’ll explore how to establish the correct mindset for healing and why assuming certain identities, such as ‘pain sufferer’, may obstruct recovery.

You’ll learn why avoiding certain movements in the long-term can make mindbody syndrome pain persist, why language plays a role in generating and maintaining the pain response, and how clients may be obstructing their own recovery due to the false beliefs, habits and reactions that feed their pain cycle.

You’ll also acquire the skills necessary to work with neuroplasticity and cultivate more helpful reactions and ways of behaviour that will ultimately deactivate chronic pain pathways. You’ll also learn key pain reprocessing techniques to cultivate more helpful reactions that will ultimately deactivate chronic pain pathways.

  1. Taking Responsibility & Ditching Harmful Identities

  2. Pain, Hypervigilance and Language

  3. Pain and Avoidance Strategies

  4. Working with Neuroplasticity to Unlearn Pain

  5. Envisioning a Pain Free Life

Stage Two Assessment


This stage explores how to overcome obstacles that may surface with clients and how to help them design a lifestyle that is more in alignment with their needs and values. You’ll learn how play pathways have a role in our recovery, serving to distract the brain from pain and to strengthen neural pathways that are in opposition to pain and fear.

Lastly, you’ll explore how certain biomedically-focused treatments or approaches to chronic pain may clash with mindbody healing because they promote conflicting beliefs. This is very important to understand for the best possible outcome.

  1. Play & Self-Care

  2. Conflicting Beliefs and Treatments: Possible Solutions

  3. The Symptom Imperative & Non-Muscular TMS Symptoms

  4. Common MindBody Syndrome Healing Stumbling Blocks

Final Assessment



  • Primary delivery is online inside our beautifully designed online course platform, with direct email access to your teacher should you need assistance or have questions regarding the course material. At no stage are you learning alone.

  • All learning styles are considered with the creation of this course: visual/auditory/practical hands-on.

  • Teaching webinars recorded by your course author that accompany each module to further expand upon the written portion of your course.

  • We provide that “in class/face-to-face” feel, via Monthly live interactive sessions via Zoom.

  • Each module contains a wealth of resources via additional expert videos, interviews with experts, and numerous resource links that enhance your learning, application and thorough understanding of the course material.

  • Additionally, you will have a welcoming community of students and graduates when you join our super supportive and active private Facebook group to encourage and support you along your learning (and healing) journey!

On successful completion you will receive a certificate displaying Industry Accreditation and Recognition to verify your Achievement for professional insurance coverage.


Coaches, Therapists & Practitioners with a love of the mindbody connection and holistic health, neuroscience, pain science and the role of the brain when it comes to physical health. Particularly beneficial for qualified mental health professionals and wellness practitioners who lacked these subjects and education in their training, and who regularly work with chronic pain sufferers.

This Course is focused specifically on dealing with chronic pain from a strictly psychological perspective. Applicants should have a keen interest in mindbody healing and/ or chronic pain, either through their own personal or professional experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to our Most Frequently Asked Questions below…

Details & Duration

The Mind-Body Practitioner course (MBP) is the original stage two of the full Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner (HLC/MBP) Certification. It includes Psychoneuroimmunology and lays an excellent foundation for appreciating the powerful bidirectional relationship of the bodymind. The focus is on understanding the biology of belief, stress and the nervous system, neuroplasticity, emotional clearing and rewiring the brain and nervous system for positive change using a variety of somatic-based and cognitive tools. It provides a deep appreciation for how all things are impacted by the bodymind, how emotions can manifest in the body by thought alone and ultimately how we can direct our health, wellbeing and healing more consciously. 

This MindBody Syndrome (TMS) course (MBSP) specifically focuses on chronic and neuroplastic pain symptoms resulting from persistent pain beyond the expected time of healing, and the very unique approaches to full recovery. It is based largely on the work of Dr John Sarno and primarily takes an in-depth view of Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) and Neuroplastic pain, with exploration of the symptoms, causes, unresolved conflict and stumbling blocks to healing, before introducing practices to unlearn the pain response, reshape identity, and rewire one’s’ perspective of pain.

If you don’t have any previous experience in a change-work environment working with clients 1:1, the minimum requirement is to complete the Certificate in Holistic Life Coaching course, which is stage one of the Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner full certification.

The Certificate in Holistic Life Coaching is an important four-module preparation course containing all of the important preparation work that lays the foundation of your coach-practitioner client relationship with scope of practice, code of conduct, belief conditioning, effective communication skills and approaches, questioning skills, and the confidence to run professional sessions through practical experience. Take a look at the page HERE for all the module details. You can enrol at any time.

YES. We do require proof of previous client-specific training (coaching, therapy or other practitioner) to satisfy your competency for professional indemnity & public liability insurance.

All of the course material is found online on our student platform.  This includes pre-recorded webinars, PDF documents, templates and the workbooks which you complete and submit for assessment. There are how-to videos on the home-page of the platform if you have any questions or issues with working through the platform.

You are not required to purchase any additional material to complete the course. All the material you require is found on the student platform with no additional costs.

Absolutely! You will have the support of your teacher, Miriam, via email and via live Zoom group calls. You will also have the support of your fellow students and the entire MBFI community via our private Facebook group!

You have a 6 month timeframe to complete the course. The course can be completed within 4 months which is approximately 6 to 8 hours of study per week. 

However, we recommend students take their time to soak in all of the information they are learning and apply it to their own personal experience.

After processing your payment, you will receive an automated email with your course registration link so you can create your student account and begin the course straight away!

Delivery is virtual inside a beautifully designed online course platform, with the addition of our Student Newsletter and invitations to live community calls.

1)  Scroll down towards the bottom of the page to see the payment options.
2)  Click on the payment button you wish to process.
3)  Follow the steps and choose if you are wanting to pay by secure Card (Stripe) or PayPal.
4)  After processing your payment, you will receive an automated email with your course registration link so you can create your student account and begin the course straight away! (Please check your spam or promotions folder).

You can enrol at ANY time that best suits you.

Support & Assessment

Each module is available as a PDF document and released every 3 days. Each module lesson includes a pre-recorded training webinar presenting an extension of the module information with real-life examples. The webinars are great if you like to listen to information in addition to the PDF reading.

We allow a generous 6 months to complete the MindBody Syndrome (TMS) Practitioner certification. There are 3 practical workbooks and the majority of students move through comfortably within this time frame, taking their time to absorb and apply as much information as possible towards their own mindbody healing.

Competency-based certification courses with practical elements require demonstration of understanding and self-application within a specified learning window. If learning is not consistent, knowledge and skills will be diminished or lost and the student may struggle to effectively demonstrate skills to meet competency. It’s similar to how certain professions require continuing education every 1-2 years to stay relevant and knowledgeable within their field of practice. As coaching does not require CPD, the learning and application window must be contained for the best opportunity to retain information, utilise practical skills, and grow in confidence consistently.

We assess your competency based on demonstrated self-insight, self-reflection and written assessments, plus practical feedback and written skills demonstration. On successful completion you will receive your certificate to verify your accomplishment for professional recognition and insurance verification (as long as you meet the prerequisite).

You submit your assessments directly to your teacher, Miriam, via email. All details are clearly outlined within your coursework and in your student dashboard and lesson areas.

Practitioners have the knowledge on how to move the client forward in their modality of specialization and generally have existing protocols and methods (exercises, assessments) that specifically take their clients through a process to a resolution, constantly adjusting and personalizing along the way.
A Coach works on the premise that the client already has the answers (client-centred), so they help awaken that information through effective communication skills, direct questioning, cultivating self-insight and the use of various exercises to address core beliefs and habitual behaviours. Coaches co-create action steps and assist the client to move beyond their current experience into an empowered and conscious life (solution-focused).
There are many different types of Coaches, each with their own focused niche, who act as a sounding board, objective guide and facilitator of new thoughts, beliefs and behaviours for clients wanting to make change in their lives.
So, although these ‘titles’ are similar, it depends on the setting, approach, method and objective.
As long as you successfully complete your certification course and meet the necessary prerequisite, you can confidently apply for professional insurance coverage with your certificate as verification.

We are delighted to offer our graduates the following as part of successfully completing our courses:

  1. lifetime access to the course you have completed with all future content updates free of charge
  2. an open invitation for all future live training calls and webinars (offered via Student Newsletter only)
  3. ongoing access to our private Facebook Group with a community of like-minded people to bounce ideas and stay connected
  4. the opportunity to advertise your business on the Graduate Listing page on the MBFI website with our compliments
  5. an invitation to publish a blog on a special topic on the MBFI website acknowledging your expertise and your business with links

Lifetime access is provided for graduates only who successfully complete the course requirements within their completion date, including future updates to the course material.

International Recognition

Approved, Registered, Accredited & Internationally Recognised Training Provider with:

  • ACCPH – Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists & Hypnotherapists
  • IICT – International Institute of Complementary Therapists
  • CMA – The Complementary Medical Association
  • IPHM – International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine Accreditation Board
  • AADP – American Association of Drugless Practitioners



  • 120 hours of structured, self-paced Modules – released every 3 days,

  • 15 x downloadable PDF theory modules,

  • 15 x visual/audio teaching webinars,

  • 3 x competency workbooks,

  • practical client Demonstration Videos,

  • bonus video content and resources,

  • Your own personal journal

  • a Tension Myositis Syndrome practitioner Toolkit,

  • Bonus visualizations & somatic tracking exercises

  • Monthly live group calls via Zoom,

  • an AMAZING community of like-minded people in our private Facebook group.

  • You have 6 months to complete all theory components for certification. 


Miriam Gauci Bongiovanni

Chronic Pain Specialist, Holistic Life Coach & MindBody Practitioner, Founder of Painoutsidethebox.com

Hello, I am Miriam Gauci Bongiovanni, and I’m a Certified Holistic Life Coach and Mindbody Practitioner specialising in chronic pain recovery. I am not a doctor, but I’ve had the opportunity to learn about the works of the best Pain doctors and scientists whose discoveries are changing the way we understand and treat chronic pain.

For this reason, today I am able to support and guide people worldwide who suffer from a variety of symptoms - by making them aware of why their pain has persisted and teaching them what they can do differently to break the cycle.

The approach I teach involves working with the link between chronic pain and the brain, to change the ‘faulty software’ that is responsible for generating constant or intermittent pain.

It will give you back your power, by equipping you with the tools needed to change things around, without having to resort to external help and meeting dead end after dead end.

You will no longer feel helpless, resigned or fearful…


  • All learning tools and resources
  • Personal teacher support
  • 15 downloadable PDF modules
  • 15 recorded Teaching Webinars
  • A Practitioner Toolkit with PDF client resources
  • Bonus visualisations & somatic tracking exercises
  • Your own personal journal for lesson tasks
  • Access into our Private Facebook Community
  • Submission assessment and feedback
  • Statement of Completion / Certification

  • Online study, self-paced, mentor support
  • Complete Certification Course
  • Online study, Self-Paced, Accessible From Any Device
  • Professional Education for Personal and/or Career Growth
  • Professional Support & Connection with fellow Coaches & Practitioners
  • Internationally Recognised Training

    Miriam Gauci Bongiovanni – Chronic Pain Specialist, Holistic Life Coach & MindBody Practitioner. Founder of Pain Outside the Box.

    Professional Development / Continuing Education:  If completing this course for CPD requirements, an academic transcript can be provided upon request. This can be presented to organisations requiring CEU/CEC's for consideration.


    MindBody Syndrome (TMS) Practitioner.

    Prior Experience: a professional background and/or training in facilitating client change-work is required for practitioner insurance to work with clients (our Holistic Life Coach Practitioner certification is the perfect foundation). No experience required for personal growth.


    In order to successfully complete an online certification course students must have sound knowledge of and access to the following: Basic computer skills such as sending an email and attaching files; a computer with reliable internet access; use of Microsoft Word, Mac Pages or Google Docs; and the ability to record audio for any practical submissions. Students must also possess a confident level of english skills in reading, writing and speaking.



    SAVE $200 - NOW 1095 AUD

    Full Payment Normally AUD 1295

    3 Month Plan

    3 x monthly payments of AUD 495



    Full Payment

    Full Payment $1295 AUD

    3 Month Plan

    3 x monthly payments of $495 AUD

    >>> If you have NO prior training & intend to work with clients <<<

    If you’re aim is to work with clients but you don’t have any background training or experience, we strongly recommend you complete the Holistic Life Coach Practitioner certification course prior to or alongside the MindBody Syndrome Practitioner. Upon successful completion of both courses you will receive TWO separate certificates: Holistic Life Coach Practitioner (HLCP) AND the MindBody Syndrome Practitioner certification (MBSP) and be fully prepared to structure and facilitate client sessions. If you have any questions, please contact us.


    NB. Your personal information will be respected and never shared. We collect personal information to create your student login and for administration purposes to deliver a seamless user experience. You have the right to access, correct, amend or delete any personally identifiable information we store about you, except where it directly interrupts our ability to provide the products and services you have paid us to provide to you.

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