There is a collective shift towards more holistic approaches in achieving a healthier, happier and more balanced life.
Complementary therapies like Holistic Life Coaching are more popular than ever; self-directed neuroplasticity is finally reaching mainstream healthcare; while the mental health and wellbeing arena is booming with a newfound independence away from outdated or two-dimensional approaches that often miss the bigger picture.
In this fast-paced, overworked and chronically stressed world there appears an increasing desire to live a more purposeful, fulfilling and joyous life. This desire was deepend throughout the uncertainty of the pandemic, providing opportunities and a Universal push to reassess how we live our lives and spend our time.
This is evident in the growing number of people, and businesses, turning towards life, health and business coaches in their attainment of meaning, growth and change.
This trend suggests that people want more than they ever have before… more love, abundance, opportunity, better career choices, deeper relationships, vibrant health and greater financial freedom.
People are searching for solutions and answers but usually don’t know where to start. They often look in the wrong places or start something without clear direction. They’re often more aware of what they don’t want and have no clue where to start in figuring out what they do want.
Worst of all is when they begin changing only to lose interest, face challenges, or simply self-sabotage and end up right back where they started.
Aside from lack of clarity, direction or planning, starting too big or tackling everything at once, the biggest problem when creating change is not knowing HOW to go about it.
The not knowing ‘how’ often becomes the biggest obstacle to change.
A holistic life coach can act as a sounding board, offering knowledge and tools, a wider lens and a realistic perspective, and most importantly, support, resources and guidance to see a goal or habit change through to fruition.
This is one of many reasons why coaching has become the second fastest growing profession in the world today and shows no signs of stopping.
A holistic life coach and mind-body practitioner provides an immensely rewarding opportunity to be a catalyst for change in a most positive and lasting way. By instilling the tools to recognise patterns of stress and discomfort within the mind, body, spirit and emotions of a client, they can teach valuable strategies to implement change from the inside out.
What’s more, these tools and strategies will serve your clients for life!
A holistic life coach is able to provide a safe space for sharing, a creative outlet for problem-solving, and a solid foundation of self-belief and structure to enable their clients to grow, challenge and transform their lives for the better.
The MindBodyFood Institute’s Holistic Life Coach and Mind-Body Practitioner dual certification course will thoroughly provide you with the self-awareness, tools, techniques and science-backed resources to take charge of and create change in your own life, whilst teaching you how to help others take charge of and create change in theirs. It’s equal part personal development to professional training.
The holistic life coaching process is highly personal and different for each individual. It’s client-centred and solution-focused.
Our training explains how the role and importance of holistic approaches to modern lifestyles directly influence a person’s health, happiness and wellbeing, especially in relation to human needs and fulfilment, and chronic stress and disease.
Being Part Of The Process In Helping Your Clients Achieve Their Desired Outcomes Is A Thoroughly Rewarding And Deeply Fulfilling Career Choice.
For many in helping professions, the desire to empower others through guidance or education is a calling born out of personal experience. This could be either direct, or indirect learning, depending on the individual and the circumstances of their experiences.
Whether through adversity, challenge, trauma, change or various past issues, these experiences often build character and enable an individual to grow in courage, strength and self-belief – and often in ways they would never have discovered had they not experienced testing times.
Wherever you are on your own healing or growth journey, allow yourself to freely enjoy your own process of deepening self-awareness, and discovering new insights and strengths.
Featured image by Brett Jordan on Unsplash.
Viki Thondley
Viki Thondley-Moore is an Integrative Holistic Counsellor, Brain-Based Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mind-Body Somatic Practitioner, Wellness Coach, Meditation Teacher, Educator and Disordered Eating Specialist. Viki is founder of MindBodyFood and Founder/Director of the MindBodyFood Institute.
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