Now over 30 years ago I discovered meditation, originally to aid in the stress and struggles of being a sensitive teenager with a full blown eating disorder.
Using Meditation and mind-body relaxation tools, I learned firsthand how easily this ancient practice can significantly plant the seeds for health and healing in modern life.
The scientific and medical communities first began testing the value of regular meditation practice in the 1960’s. They were surprised to discover that meditation promotes the relaxation response and acts as an antidote to stress.
Just do a quick Google search on the ‘benefits of meditation’ for a fascinating and impressive list of praise and recommendation from both clinical study and direct experience.
Today, scientists and health practitioners continue to discover the increasing benefits of meditation on the human mind, body and spirit.
Regular meditation is showing significant improvement for those who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, skin disorders, depression, infertility, eating disorders, and chronic pain as well as support towards diseases such as cancer.
Meditation has proven to enable physical and emotional healing as well as boost the immune system. As you develop your technique with regular practice, you will learn how to cope with fears that may be causing you anxiety and overwhelm, as meditation helps to diminish destructive emotions such as anger and fear, and instil a sense of inner resiliency and resolve.
First, you’ll begin to notice your breath, an anchor for your awareness and the doorway for the relaxation response. After a week of daily practice you may notice an overall sense of calm and peace, less emotional reactivity, lower stress levels, less physical tension, deeper or longer quality sleep, and a higher tolerance to situations that previously made you irritated and tense.
You may even begin to enjoy your life in a completely new way!
Clinical studies prove that the benefits of regular meditation include…
- A significant reduction in the effects of stress in your life
- A greater sense of calm and peacefulness
- More clarity of thought
- Greater self-confidence and improved self esteem
- A sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing
- Better sleep
- More physical energy
- Increased motivation
- Assisting in the treatment of illness and disease
- Lowering high blood pressure
- Regulating weight
- Increasing mental capacity
- Assisting in pain management
- Relief from mild depression, tension headaches, irritable bowel and PMS
- Increased focus when studying or preparing for exams
To help you get started it is beneficial to learn the basics and attend a beginners course for correct tuition and guidance.
You can also try listening to a guided meditation as a prompt in where to place your attention and expand your imagination! They are useful tools for beginners in developing a regular meditation practice with verbal guidance.
Meditation teaches you to take time out for yourself and induce the relaxation response to counter prolonged stress. It’s an empowering self-care tool, and can be self-administered whenever you need it.
Featured image by Matteo Di Iorio on Unsplash.
Viki Thondley
Viki Thondley-Moore is an Integrative Holistic Counsellor, Brain-Based Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mind-Body Somatic Practitioner, Wellness Coach, Meditation Teacher, Educator and Disordered Eating Specialist. Viki is founder of MindBodyFood and Founder/Director of the MindBodyFood Institute.
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