Lifestyle Medicine

Self-Care Boundaries Are A Top Priority For A Fulfilling Life

Imagine you KNOW that you’re the most important person in your life…. You wake up with energy and can’t wait to start your day! You look in the mirror and love who you see – a confident, kind and good human being!

You make time to calm your mind, move your body and feed your soul – every day.

You love yourself – and it shows with every thought you think, word you speak, and personal choice you make.

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How Our Minds Heal Our Bodies: Why Understanding The Placebo And Nocebo Effect Can Help You Manage Chronic Pain

My daughter, now ten, was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis when she was three years old. Over the past seven years she has shown incredible resilience and has managed her chronic pain, joint injections and endless hospital appointments with humbling strength and determination but it has been a real struggle at times. About a year ago, she experienced a particularly bad and extended period of pain and stiffness. She needed pain relief daily but over-the-counter medication (Ibuprofen) began causing her gastric irritation.

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5 Surprising Signs Your Liver Needs Support

The liver is a remarkable organ, responsible for over 500 functions in the body, including its roles in digestive health, immune support, blood clotting, and more. One of the liver’s most important jobs is detoxification. The liver is responsible for converting fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble waste products that are removed from the body via the urinary system, digestive system, skin, and lungs. Unfortunately, the liver can become overburdened throughout a person’s life due to excessive toxins exposure and unhealthy lifestyle practices.

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6 Steps To A Healthier Morning Routine

We all have morning routines which become part of our daily habits.

These habits may include hitting the snooze button, looking at your phone and social media, going for a morning walk, eating breakfast, or not.

What we do each morning plays a role in determining our day ahead. If you begin the day by looking at negative media, sculling coffee as you race out the door or telling yourself that it is going to be a bad day, you have already set your intentions and will find that all these actions and behaviours will flow on into your day ahead. If you instead, set yourself up with actions in the morning to create a healthy morning routine, you will start to see how this can change your entire day.

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3 Small Changes You Can Make To Feel More Energised

Life can be overwhelming and sometimes it is hard to know where to begin when it comes to regaining your energy, reducing stress and just feeling more like yourself. To make the journey towards feeling energised more simple, we have broken it down into three small things you can do without taking big leaps or dramatically changing everything all in one go. These are things you can gradually build up to, without the need for stress.

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Love Your Guts For Better Hormone Health

When I hear the phrase “Don’t Shoot the Messenger”, I can’t help but think of hormones. Why?

Because our hormones are like the chemical messengers of our body. And as such, they have a massive responsibility for the health and wellness of the BodyMind. Not only do they talk to the organs and systems in our body – they talk to each other as well. Our hormones help coordinate almost every bodily function, from metabolism to growth and development, emotions, mood, sexual function, and even sleep

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