Nervous System

How Our Minds Heal Our Bodies: Why Understanding The Placebo And Nocebo Effect Can Help You Manage Chronic Pain

My daughter, now ten, was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis when she was three years old. Over the past seven years she has shown incredible resilience and has managed her chronic pain, joint injections and endless hospital appointments with humbling strength and determination but it has been a real struggle at times. About a year ago, she experienced a particularly bad and extended period of pain and stiffness. She needed pain relief daily but over-the-counter medication (Ibuprofen) began causing her gastric irritation.

How Our Minds Heal Our Bodies: Why Understanding The Placebo And Nocebo Effect Can Help You Manage Chronic Pain Read Post »

The Amazing Role Of The Gut Microbiome In Nutrition And Health

The microbiomes basic job is to digest (ferment) a certain type of fiber called dietary fiber. Fiber is a natural compound found only in plants. From a nutritional point of view, fiber is a complex carbohydrate. But unlike refined sugar, fiber cannot be digested by our body, simply because it lacks the proper enzymes to do that. This fiber passes unchanged through the gastrointestinal tract, until it reaches the colon. Here, the microbiome converts it into compounds that can be absorbed by our colon, such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), certain B vitamins, and vitamin K

The Amazing Role Of The Gut Microbiome In Nutrition And Health Read Post »

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