
Love Your Guts For Better Hormone Health

When I hear the phrase “Don’t Shoot the Messenger”, I can’t help but think of hormones. Why?

Because our hormones are like the chemical messengers of our body. And as such, they have a massive responsibility for the health and wellness of the BodyMind. Not only do they talk to the organs and systems in our body – they talk to each other as well. Our hormones help coordinate almost every bodily function, from metabolism to growth and development, emotions, mood, sexual function, and even sleep

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Have Your New Year’s Resolutions Bit The Dust? Here’s Why…

A New Year’s resolution is a promise a person makes for improving the coming year and is usually goal orientated.

A resolution can come in many different guises with plenty of people likely to have set themselves a new year’s resolution at some point in their lives. Whether they want to give up smoking, eat more fruit, lose weight, get fit…. the list is endless!

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How To Create A Great Music Playlist To Help You Study

So, you’re wanting to create a music playlist to help you study… Well, you have come to the right place!

With countless studies suggesting that listening to music whilst studying can increase motivation, improve mood, increase focus, and assist with the retention of new information, it is no wonder why many individuals are turning to music to help them study.

So, grab your headphones, books and music device, and let’s get started!

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Are You Using Food To Self-Soothe?

What we think and how we feel often dictates what we eat, if we should eat and when we should eat.
This may lead us to console our emotions with that go-to comfort food. We may not really want or need it, but the temporary distraction, comfort or self-soothing it provides is a mighty big draw card to make us feel better in that moment.

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An Easier Way To Change Old Habit Loops & Create New Ones

How can we change our habits when we’ve been unconsciously performing them for years, or even decades?

It’s actually a lot easier than you think when you first understand the basic premise of “Habit Loops” in the brain.

In his New York Times bestseller “The Power of Habit”, Charles Duhigg introduced a concept called The Habit Loop. This habit loop consists of a Cue, a Routine, and a Reward and it develops over time through repetition and memory, becoming an unconscious loop in the brain.

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How To Be More Organised To Eat Healthy [FREE Meal Planner & Shopping List]

Are you finding it hard to stay on track with your meal planning or shopping lists?

It’s easy to be more organised when your life is in ‘flow’, but how can we get organised when life is busy with work and family?

We’ve all been there and it’s a hard act to juggle. This is why it’s so important to have helpful strategies to get, and stay, organised – especially in the kitchen!

From my experience working as a private healthy chef and planning meals for clients, writing down my goals with planners and checklists helps me to make everything more achievable.

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Want Healthier Skin? Include These Key Nutrients In Your Diet

Healthy skin is essential, and it requires some effort to maintain it. Not only do you need to clean your skin, but you also need to eat the right foods.

Do you want glowing and healthy skin? Well, you must change your eating patterns to achieve this. As good as creams and other facial products are, nothing beats eating the right foods to attain a radiant look. Researchers are discovering just how beneficial the right types of foods are while also including supplements such as Oxitrim.

Oxitrim is a supplement known to contain vitamin D3 that protects the skin while promoting cell growth and repair.

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How To Help Your Child’s Anxiety

With so many unknowns in the world today, you might be feeling at a loss when it comes to soothing your children’s anxieties.

You can’t just tell them that everything will be all right.

However, you can help them to manage their anxiety so they can live happier lives in the here and now. If your child’s worries are affecting their daily life and well-being, here are some ways you can help.

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