
What Science Says We Need To Be Happy

Research shows that consistently grateful people are happier, more energetic, more hopeful, more helpful, more empathic, more spiritual, more forgiving, and less materialistic. They’re also less likely to be depressed, anxious, lonely, envious, neurotic, or sick.

In one study, a group of participants were asked to name five things they were grateful for every day, while another group was asked to list five things that annoyed them. Those expressing gratitude were not only happier and more optimistic; they reported fewer physical symptoms (such as headache, cough, nausea, or acne).

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Why Your Brain Is The Key To Change

Change of any kind is often done by consciously focusing on doing something different. But that’s not so easy when you’re trying to make your brain do something it’s not familiar with.

This is why understanding and working with your brain is the key to change – without getting your brain on board and working with you, change will be extremely hard.

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How Meditation Affects The Developing Brain Of Kids

The human brain never falls asleep, not even at night when the body needs to recharge. Kids’ brains are incredibly active and ready to accumulate information.

To boost focus and improve memory, research shows that the best “medicine” for the brain is meditation. Once a preferred relaxation practice by Buddhist monarchs, meditation has been proven to improve brain function and promote concentration, inner self-awareness, and self-discipline.

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Do You Struggle With Self-Sabotage?

The meaning that certain significant events have at different times in our lives are conditioned in our mind and brain as patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.

Which is why when we try to make change consciously, we often come up against some kind of resistance or sabotage that we just can’t explain.

And it’s SO frustrating when you know what to do, but you just can’t do it !!

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What Causes Anxiety And What You Can Do About It

In the simplest terms, anxiety is caused by an overload of fear and doubt in the thinking mind, which in turn neuro-chemically and physically activates the autonomic nervous system’s ‘fight, flight, freeze’ response in response to certain triggers i.e. sensations, perceptions, meanings, memories.

Our fears drive our thoughts, and our thoughts and behaviours create our emotions. Through repetitive stimulus, certain thoughts, feelings and behaviours condition the nervous system to become overstimulated and stuck in the ‘ON’ switch.

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