depression and anxiety

The Amazing Role Of The Gut Microbiome In Nutrition And Health

The microbiomes basic job is to digest (ferment) a certain type of fiber called dietary fiber. Fiber is a natural compound found only in plants. From a nutritional point of view, fiber is a complex carbohydrate. But unlike refined sugar, fiber cannot be digested by our body, simply because it lacks the proper enzymes to do that. This fiber passes unchanged through the gastrointestinal tract, until it reaches the colon. Here, the microbiome converts it into compounds that can be absorbed by our colon, such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), certain B vitamins, and vitamin K

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What Causes Anxiety And What You Can Do About It

In the simplest terms, anxiety is caused by an overload of fear and doubt in the thinking mind, which in turn neuro-chemically and physically activates the autonomic nervous system’s ‘fight, flight, freeze’ response in response to certain triggers i.e. sensations, perceptions, meanings, memories.

Our fears drive our thoughts, and our thoughts and behaviours create our emotions. Through repetitive stimulus, certain thoughts, feelings and behaviours condition the nervous system to become overstimulated and stuck in the ‘ON’ switch.

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