limiting beliefs

Using 100% of Your Brain

There’s a long-standing myth that we humans only use 10% of our brains.

As a youth I heard it in a movie and thought wow, we’re so lazy! I’ve definitely seen a few Facebook memes declaring it, and other’s have often repeated it from wherever they saw or heard it from too.

But is this popular myth actually true?

BIG NEWS – No, it’s not!

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3 Steps to Get Clear on What You Want

The holistic coaching process is always about enhancing the quality of thinking, feeling and behaving in the context of achieving individual goals, and reaching ones’ highest potential.

Positive psychology uses a similar step-by-step system to generate more positive emotions and new brain networks to counter the stress and worry loops in the limbic system and your amygdala (perception centre of fear).

3 Steps to Get Clear on What You Want Read Post »

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