Slow Down and Really Think About Your Life
“Slow down once and a while and think deeply about your life. Envision a compelling future and ask if you’re on […]
Slow Down and Really Think About Your Life Read Post »
“Slow down once and a while and think deeply about your life. Envision a compelling future and ask if you’re on […]
Slow Down and Really Think About Your Life Read Post »
Part 2 of 3 Welcome to the second instalment of our series, “Compassion Fatigue and Burnout: The Hidden Danger for
Recognising The Symptoms of Burnout and Compassion Fatigue Read Post »
The Shenmen Point, also known as HT7, is an amazing and wonderful way to help manage stress, anxiety, and insomnia
Discover the Shenmen Point: Traditional Wisdom for Modern Day Stress & Anxiety Relief Read Post »
We all have morning routines which become part of our daily habits.
These habits may include hitting the snooze button, looking at your phone and social media, going for a morning walk, eating breakfast, or not.
What we do each morning plays a role in determining our day ahead. If you begin the day by looking at negative media, sculling coffee as you race out the door or telling yourself that it is going to be a bad day, you have already set your intentions and will find that all these actions and behaviours will flow on into your day ahead. If you instead, set yourself up with actions in the morning to create a healthy morning routine, you will start to see how this can change your entire day.
6 Steps To A Healthier Morning Routine Read Post »
Since self-care involves looking out for your physical, emotional and mental well-being, it’s not surprising to know that it does, in fact, affect your mental health.
How Proper Self-Care Will Improve Your Mental Health Read Post »
Is that you? Feeling pressured about your work, family commitments, relationships, financial uncertainty? Telling yourself that the one glass of wine at night will help you to fall asleep easier, and that second cup of coffee in the morning will give you the energy you need for the day.
How To Cope Better With Stress In 3 Meaningful Steps Read Post »
Life can be overwhelming and sometimes it is hard to know where to begin when it comes to regaining your energy, reducing stress and just feeling more like yourself. To make the journey towards feeling energised more simple, we have broken it down into three small things you can do without taking big leaps or dramatically changing everything all in one go. These are things you can gradually build up to, without the need for stress.
3 Small Changes You Can Make To Feel More Energised Read Post »
With so many unknowns in the world today, you might be feeling at a loss when it comes to soothing your children’s anxieties.
You can’t just tell them that everything will be all right.
However, you can help them to manage their anxiety so they can live happier lives in the here and now. If your child’s worries are affecting their daily life and well-being, here are some ways you can help.
How To Help Your Child’s Anxiety Read Post »
Our immune system is much bigger and more complicated than the average person believes. In fact, it is not entirely understood. What I have learned through the years is that our immune system needs more than vitamin C and rest to keep our bodies healthy.
11 Essential Oils To Support Your Immune System + 3 DIY Recipes Read Post »
Negative thinking can often get the best of us. But do you even know when you’re thinking negatively? Can you recognise your own negative self-talk? And more importantly, can you stop it?!
There are ten ways people sabotage themselves with their own negative thinking patterns.
10 Patterns Of Negative Thinking Read Post »
Have you noticed in traditional approaches to change that the focus is often on the past and the problem, rather than effectively providing tools and techniques to help you move forward?
We are huge advocates for a whole-self, holistic, mind-body approach that focuses on our clients life NOW and a future without the problem, by getting to the root cause of their issues and creating shifts from the inside out.
Mind-Body Tools Can Change Your Brain Read Post »
So, how can we restore our youthfulness and finally bring balance to our mind and body? There are several ways to do it, so if you’re interested to know more and learn how to enjoy a great holistic balance, read on.
The Holistic Balance Between Mind And Body Read Post »
Neuroscience and the study of gratitude, shows us how the brain can respond and adapt to a grateful mind by gradually integrating new neural pathways with intentional practice.
The Science And Power Of Gratitude Read Post »
Do something EVERY day to balance out the external stress with internal calm.
You deserve to enjoy your life, not feel overwhelmed or constantly stressed by it.
The human brain never falls asleep, not even at night when the body needs to recharge. Kids’ brains are incredibly active and ready to accumulate information.
To boost focus and improve memory, research shows that the best “medicine” for the brain is meditation. Once a preferred relaxation practice by Buddhist monarchs, meditation has been proven to improve brain function and promote concentration, inner self-awareness, and self-discipline.
How Meditation Affects The Developing Brain Of Kids Read Post »