3 Ways To Reframe Your Self-Talk & Refocus Your Mindset

Mindfulness may be a ‘buzz’ word in some circles, but when it comes to reframing your self-talk it can be a very handy practice to help you get started reframing your self-talk and refocus your mindset.

Becoming more mindful about your self-talk helps you to isolate the mental chatter that brings you down, holds you back and keeps you stuck.

When you start tuning into and writing down this self-talk you may be surprised at the negative onslaught your mind is subjecting you to on a momentary basis.

The ability to listen without judgement, helps you to keep on writing many of the unconscious thinking patterns that you’re otherwise not aware of.

After you’ve written them down and have a clear sense of what your mindset says to you in certain situations – whether in relationships at home or in your work life – you’ve now got a visual reminder of what to keep a mindful ear out for when you wish you were able to switch focus and talk to yourself with compassion.

This is where countering that self-talk with positive and more proactive self-talk is powerfully important in shifting your mental focus to a more supportive pattern of thinking – which in turn shifts your energy and emotions.

 We can’t just stop thinking, feeling or doing something habitually wired into our brain and nervous system. We MUST replace the old pattern with a new one that we then actively and consciously program in.


I recommend going through your list of negative and unhelpful self-talk and writing a counter statement to reframe it.

For example, if you isolate an automatic negative thought such as:

“I’m such an idiot, why did I do that?!”

Then cross this negative self-talk statement out and replace it with a counter statement to reframe the situation, such as:

“Every mistake is an opportunity for me to learn and grow. I’m doing the best I can right now.”

This new reframe will serve to replace the old pattern whenever you notice it coming up in your thinking. Which now that you’re aware of by writing them down, you’re more able to mindfully shift your focus.


Here are 3 Helpful Ways to Reframe your Self-Talk and Refocus your Mindset:

1. Repetition

A popular way to harness the power of positivity is to repeat positive reminder phrases to yourself on a regular basis.

While repeating them mentally several times throughout the day can be effective, repeating them aloud throughout the day when you CATCH your negative self-talk is even more powerful, because you’re actively disrupting the habit loop and shifting mental focus towards more positive thoughts and behaviours in those challenging situations. This deliberate mindful action is what helps to create new neural pathways in your brain.

Once you become aware of your self-talk, it’s hard not to notice those limiting beliefs that you’re oh so aware of and want to shift.


2. Do-It-Yourself Recording

You can make a recording of yourself repeating positive reframes and focus reminders and play it as you get ready in the morning, drive to/from work, or exercise. Talk in a calm, encouraging voice, maybe with your favourite music in the background, and voila!… you have a tailor-made recording to counter your negative thought loops.


3. Post-It Notes

Write reframes on post-its and place them around your home and office (on the fridge, bathroom mirror, your computer & desk where you’ll see them) to give yourself proactive reminders throughout the day. This technique can be effective on its own or with other reframe and affirmation techniques as a reinforcer.


The more you practice isolating your habitual negative self-talk AND reframing those thoughts for proactive and more accurate statements, the quicker you’ll start rewiring new brain pathways and reframing a more supportive and focused mindset.


Featured image by Warren Wong on Unsplash.

Viki Thondley

Viki Thondley-Moore is an Integrative Holistic Counsellor, Brain-Based Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mind-Body Somatic Practitioner, Wellness Coach, Meditation Teacher, Educator and Disordered Eating Specialist. Viki is founder of MindBodyFood and Founder/Director of the MindBodyFood Institute.


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