Life Coaching

Inspiring Ways For Older Students To Learn Better And Faster

Dear Reader, I hope this blog post turns out to be a very inspiring one for you! Here, I am going to talk to you about how to find the inspiration and the tools you need to make your journey into the world of learning an easier one.

Many of us left school in what feels like a century ago, and now we have decided to work on our personal development by going back to studying. But, what at first seems like an exciting new adventure, soon turns sour. Why is this?

Inspiring Ways For Older Students To Learn Better And Faster Read Post »

Are You Using Food To Self-Soothe?

What we think and how we feel often dictates what we eat, if we should eat and when we should eat.
This may lead us to console our emotions with that go-to comfort food. We may not really want or need it, but the temporary distraction, comfort or self-soothing it provides is a mighty big draw card to make us feel better in that moment.

Are You Using Food To Self-Soothe? Read Post »

An Easier Way To Change Old Habit Loops & Create New Ones

How can we change our habits when we’ve been unconsciously performing them for years, or even decades?

It’s actually a lot easier than you think when you first understand the basic premise of “Habit Loops” in the brain.

In his New York Times bestseller “The Power of Habit”, Charles Duhigg introduced a concept called The Habit Loop. This habit loop consists of a Cue, a Routine, and a Reward and it develops over time through repetition and memory, becoming an unconscious loop in the brain.

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Designing Promotional Flyers For Holistic Coaches & Practitioners… The Easy Way!

Are you a holistic life coach or health and wellbeing practitioner getting started with promotional designing?
When I first collaborated with the MindBodyFood Institute – back when the Founder was teaching holistic community courses – we began our marketing efforts locally, with a simple design printed on A5 paper; a few hundred flyers at a time.

Designing Promotional Flyers For Holistic Coaches & Practitioners… The Easy Way! Read Post »

How To Help Your Child’s Anxiety

With so many unknowns in the world today, you might be feeling at a loss when it comes to soothing your children’s anxieties.

You can’t just tell them that everything will be all right.

However, you can help them to manage their anxiety so they can live happier lives in the here and now. If your child’s worries are affecting their daily life and well-being, here are some ways you can help.

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Could Your Personality Be Contributing To Your Chronic Pain?

Almost a year ago, I developed lower back pain. At first I thought I had pulled a muscle ducking under a tree branch while out running with a friend.

I took it easy for a few days and the pain seemed to subside. But then it came back, and with a vengeance. It remained with me on and off for a year and was often so severe that I had to hold onto pieces of furniture to support myself when rising from a chair or my bed, or when brushing my teeth.

Could Your Personality Be Contributing To Your Chronic Pain? Read Post »

Live Your Truth Using Intention, Energy And Manifestation

Intention is not simply wanting something; it is feeling into something. It is action-oriented; purposeful action.

You can want an object on the other side of the room, a new job, or a different relationship BUT, if you do not put purposeful action or feeling toward the intended outcome, then it will simply not happen.

In order to begin manifesting something the best place to start is by using your intention. Also, throw out the verbiage of ‘want’ (which is passive) and replace it with requirement. For example: “I require A, B, C or X, Y Z in my life“… and then begin purposeful action.

Live Your Truth Using Intention, Energy And Manifestation Read Post »

The Link Between The Nocebo Effect And Chronic Pain

We’ve all been there some time or other: we get injured or start experiencing some form of pain, and the people around us will all come up with their own suggestions, sometimes even with a full retelling of their own painful experience;

“Don’t carry too much weight!”, “Be careful at the gym!”, “it took very long to get better after I got that”, or, the worst of the worst: “Your pain might be chronic”.

The Link Between The Nocebo Effect And Chronic Pain Read Post »

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