Intention is not simply wanting something; it is feeling into something. It is action-oriented; purposeful action.
You can want an object on the other side of the room, a new job, or a different relationship BUT, if you do not put purposeful action or feeling toward the intended outcome, then it will simply not happen.
In order to begin manifesting something the best place to start is by using your intention. Also, throw out the verbiage of ‘want’ (which is passive) and replace it with requirement. For example: “I require A, B, C or X, Y Z in my life“… and then begin purposeful action.
But what is purposeful action… what does it look like?
It looks like living in alignment with what you require in order to be the best possible version of yourself. Simply put, do what you say. If I truly want something, and it aligns with my values, I will take actions toward having or making my requirement into reality.
This theory applies to EVERYTHING from relationships to behaviors, to finances, etc.
For example, if you want to save money for a vacation of a lifetime but you keep spending your money on other things – leaving you nothing to save – how can you ever make taking that vacation a reality? You are putting all of your resources into the opposite direction of your goal.
Energy is: time, money, thoughts, actions (there is that ‘A’ word again!).
Similar to putting all of your resources into the wrong area, if your energy is moving away from your intention your reality will not manifest either. It’s like trying to catch a train by running in the opposite direction. Energy is also, scientifically, “the capacity for doing work”, (“energy | Definition, Types, & Examples”, 2020) or “potential“.
So think about this for a minute… your words can potentially affect the outcome of your intention, your attitudes, thoughts and actions are the potential for you to succeed; Why the heck not align them – in the same row, in the same direction?
I mean potentiate that manifestation so hard that it happens and becomes your living truth!
Manifestation is the spot on your journey in which ‘you have arrived!’ It is reaping the light of your truth that you have been creating. When you arrive here through your purposeful actions and intentions, you are doing what you say and saying what you do.
You get here by not giving up when it gets hard, and by creating your own reality – not the one other people tell you that you should have, or do, or be.
It’s exciting; I know, right?! It seems like a miracle, a dream… well IT IS! This was your dream that you manifested into reality; for the relationship you have always felt you deserved, the new job you have wanted…. You name it, it’s now yours.
Disclaimer: no one says it’s easy to do, especially when old wounds and patterns of thinking rear their ugly head, but it is possible and YOU are worth it.
There is no uber to get there, no taxi to take – you drive your own tour bus because you decide the destination!
Enjoy the journey, see the lessons, feel the feels, live your truth.
What is your truth?
energy | Definition, Types, & Examples. (2020). Retrieved 6 May 2020, from
Robin is a Transformational Life Coach specializing in divorce and major life events. She’s a practicing Registered Nurse of 16 years, Shamanic Healer, Yoga instructor (10 years) and Holistic Life Coach. Robyn teaches Yoga to both children and adults and has practiced for 13 years after embarking on a personal journey through recovering from a grave illness. Robin specializes in helping people move through life transitions with grace and facilitates a divorce support group for women. Connect with Robin via her website, Facebook or Instagram.
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