How Can Thyroid Dysfunction Cause Sleeping Problems?

The thyroid is a gland in the neck region of human and other animals’ bodies. This gland secretes hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism and growth. The hormones that this gland releases for metabolism are thyroxine, and its overproduction or under-production results in higher metabolic rate or lower metabolic rate. It is a fact that higher metabolism causes us to sleep more, and people with low metabolic rates tend to sleep less. So, there is a direct thyroid-sleep relation.

Signs That Thyroid Could Be the Problem

How do we diagnose that there is a thyroid problem? For the identification of any problem in the thyroid gland, we first have to understand the basic two types of thyroid problems.


Type 1: Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is the condition of the body when a low level of thyroxine is produced. Its symptoms are:

  • Hypothyroid Fatigue.
  • Hypothyroidism Insomnia.
  • Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight.
  • Coarse, dry hair.
  • Dry, rough and pale skin.
  • Mild hair loss.
  • Cold intolerance.
  • Muscle cramps and very frequent muscle aches.

Type 2: Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a condition caused when high levels of thyroxine are produced. Major symptoms that sign towards this condition are:

  • Immense sweating.
  • Heat intolerance.
  • Excessive bowel movements.
  • Tremor.
  • Nervousness, agitation, anxiety.
  • Rapid heart rate, palpitations, discontinuous heart rate.
  • Weight reduction.

What you have to keep in mind is that all of these symptoms have to appear in a person to declare that person to be a patient of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. If any of these symptoms is missing, the person may not be dealing with this condition in particular.


Can Hypothyroidism Cause Insomnia?

Insomnia Hypothyroid connection is very rare. When the metabolism of the body is low, it causes the body to digest the food at a very small pace. As the body is digesting food slowly, the energy it gets is also very less, and thus, fatigue and other symptoms appear, which cause the person to sleep more. For people with this hypothyroidism, even a solid seven to nine hours of sleep in the night doesn’t relieve the constant sense of exhaustion and weariness. Some patients also report feeling like they are stuck in a fog, without the ability to think clearly.

Hypothyroidism insomnia is the condition caused as a result of low thyroxine levels in the body. Some people with hypothyroidism experience insomnia as they also deal with sleep apnea, which causes them irregular breathing patterns, so they discontinuously wake up during the night because of that.


Can Hyperthyroidism Cause Insomnia?

As thyroid and insomnia are deeply related, hyperthyroidism also affects the sleep cycle in a bad way. In hyperthyroidism, the body is producing more levels of thyroxine, and food is getting digested very fast. In this way, more energy is getting produced in the body through the digestion of food. This energy disrupts the sleep cycle, and the person with a hyperthyroid condition tends to be in the condition of insomnia. He is always alert and awake because of a greater level of energy.

In short, hypothyroidism causes sleepiness, while hyperthyroidism causes insomnia.


Possible Solutions

1. Fortunately, nowadays, there are a lot of medicines in the market these days to cure or at least stop hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism at the stage where they are at. Proper medication can damp down the negative effects of this disorder.

2. Some best foods to eat in this disorder are seaweed, salted nuts, baked fish, frozen yogurt, and fresh eggs. These foods balance the hormones of the body.

3. Similarly, the best supplements for thyroid problems are Vitamin B, Iodine, Selenium, Zinc, and Tyrosine.

4. Acupuncture and Yoga are also good complementary treatments for thyroid problems. They regulate the hormones of your body and push the glands to produce the required and essential number of hormones.

5. Holistic medical treatments are also here to treat thyroid-related diseases. These involve the wellness of the body, mind, and spirit of a person. According to the holistic approach, a person is not well if one body part is not doing a great job. There are a variety of ways in which these treatments work for chronic diseases and offer amazing results.

Final Thoughts

Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are unfavorable for the body and disrupt the sleep cycle, but they are curable indeed. Proper medication is needed in order to treat these disorders completely.

If you have had any of the symptoms above you should consult with your nearest licensed holistic doctor who understands the thyroid and it’s complications.


Featured image by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash.

Dr. Quiroz

Dr. Quiroz is a functional physician who provides holistic care to patients all across the DFW at his personal clinic, Splendor of Youth. In his free time, he enjoys exercising and reading the latest medical journals. You can connect with Dr Quiroz through his FacebookLinkedIn or Instagram.


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