How To Create A Great Music Playlist To Help You Study

So, you’re wanting to create a music playlist to help you study… Well, you have come to the right place!

With countless studies suggesting that listening to music whilst studying can increase motivation, improve mood, increase focus, and assist with the retention of new information, it is no wonder why many individuals are turning to music to help them study.

So, grab your headphones, books and music device, and let’s get started!


1. Start With the Basics

Before you start creating your new music playlist, start with the basics.

Do you have a preferred music app? Does it allow you to create playlists? Is it a free or paid app?

Many modern-day music apps such as Spotify, SoundCloud and Pandora allow for the creation of free playlists, across many device platforms. So, depending on your individual needs and preferences, ensure you check this before proceeding.


2. Go for Classical Tunes

Due to the calming effect classical music can have on an individual, the brain often triggers a release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of happiness and excitement.

In addition to our mood, dopamine also affects movement, memory and focus, making tasks like essay writing and studying much, much more enjoyable.

By adding classical tunes to your new music playlist, you will most definitely be doing yourself a huge favour!


3. Go for Natural Sounds

Natural sounds such as chirping birds, streams of water, and heavy rain are all suggested to be beneficial to listen to whilst studying.

In fact, in a recent study review, researchers from Carleton University, Colorado State University, and Michigan State University teamed up with the National Park Service to analyse a number of previous studies on the benefits of listening to natural sounds, particularly in stressful settings.

As part of the study review, participants listened to recordings of natural sounds in laboratory settings – similar to many study settings.

After listening to the recordings, participants reported a decrease in stress, as well as an improvement in cognitive function and mood – all very beneficial whilst studying.

If you believe you may benefit from this whilst studying, definitely give this step a try!


4. Don’t Get Distracted by Your Favourites

Wait! Before you go ahead and fill your new music playlist with all of your favourites, listen closely.

While you may want to add songs to your new music playlist that you enjoy, you don’t want anything to take you out of your focused mindset whilst studying.

If you find that you often get a little too distracted whilst listening to your favourites, perhaps stick to the classical tunes!


5. Keep it Short

Ideally, you want your new music playlist to go for 40 to 45 minutes.

The reasoning behind this is that once your playlist ends, you will be reminded to take a regular study break.

This is important, as taking regular study breaks can help prevent study fatigue, improve focus and creativity, and help you to maintain your attention and motivation.



Julia is an Administration Support Assistant at The MindBodyFood Institute.


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